Return and Refund

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I return?

You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by CASARIALTO within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. During the holidays, items shipped by Casarialto between November 1st and December 31st can be returned until January 31st.

When will I get my refund?
Usually in about 2-3 weeks. Most refunds are fully refunded in 3-5 days after we receive and process your return.

Does Casarialto offer replacements and exchanges?
Yes, you can create replacement and exchange orders from this page by clicking Return Items and following the instructions. If you received a damaged or defective item, we’ll ship you a replacement of the exact item. If you would like to exchange an item for another, you can exchange for a different size or color or for an item in your Cart.

Return Items You Ordered

Depending on the item’s eligibility, you’ll be able to choose one of the following options:

  • Refund
  • Repair
  • Exchange

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Note: Not all options will be available for all items. By filling up the form we will evaluate your request.
After you’ve completed the steps above:

  • Prepare your package for return. 
    Pack your item securely, inserting any paperwork that was included when you requested your return from the Online Returns Center. If you don’t have the original product packaging, use a sturdy box and include padding such as packing bubbles or newspaper. Attach your return label to the package.
    Important: If you need to return multiple orders, please don’t consolidate returns. Return orders individually, using a separate return label for each order.